Six Apart Japan has annouced the launch of a new mailing list where the Movable Type development team will post announcements related to the development of Movable Type. You can subscribe to it here: I have subscribed the Movable Type and Melody Community Feed to it as well (using the Post Office plugin) so any announcements made to the list will also show up there automatically.
It is quite simple to list all (or some) entries in one or more categories using Movable Type's MTEntries tag in combination with the 'category' or 'categories' attribute. But what if you need to display just the entries that are *not* in a category? I was recently faced with this problem, and here is the solution I came up with:
It is not announced on the Open Melody blog yet, but Open Melody 1.0.2 is out. This is a critical maintenance update containing the security fixes recently applied to Movable Type. Release notes are here, download is here.
Just discovered a new plugin called 'PreviewURL' by Yuichi Takeuchi. It allows you to share the contents of a draft entry with someone who doesn't have an account on your Movable Type installation (or who is simply not logged in). It works like this: