The IncludeMap Plugin for Movable Type (with screencast)

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I recently found out about the IncludeMap plugin while browsing the Japanese Movable Type Plugin Directory (which seems way livelier than the 'official' one).  This neat plugin builds a map of the relationships between your various templates, showing you a neat visualisation of which templates include which modules and widgets, but also the other way round, going multiple levels deep.
Since an image says more than a thousand words, and a video has 24 images per second, here is the equivalent of a few hundred thousand words:

As you can see, I installed the plugin on the MT 5.1 installation running Movable Tips, and had a look at the TemplateMap of the templates making up this blog.  As you can see in the video, this plugin makes it a breeze to see in which archive, index or system templates a widget or module template eventually ends up being included in, making it a useful tool for making decisions on how to cache or whether to use server side includes for a particular widget/module.

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