"Learning Movable Type" is Back!

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Between 2004 and 2008, Elise Bauer ran Learning Movable Type, a group weblog with tips, tricks and tutorials for beginning Movable Type webmasters (and one of the sites inspiring me to start Movable Tips).  As Elise didn't have the spare time to run the site anymore, Six Apart took over the hosting but nothing much happened with it anymore for several years, even though it remained a very useful resource. But now the site has a new home: Elise has graciously passed me the torch, and since yesterday the site is hosted on my server.
The archived copy of the site I received was still running MT-4.21 so I upgraded it to MT-4.361 (which went without a hitch).  I was able to republish the site in full, and all images/styles seem to be working, even though some small features seem to be missing (the author list, for example).  But for the most part, the site is back up and running as before.

In the coming days I'll be having a look  at the inner workings of the templates making up the site, to see where things can be further fixed/improved.

I'm also planning on having a look at the content, because I'm sure after three years of inactivity there is much that can be updated.  And if you have suggestions for new content, or if you want to write for the site (it is a group blog after all), don't hesitate to let me know!

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