I installed it this morning to play with it a bit, and in the plugin settings screen this was one of the first things I tried:
Does it take HTML? Indeed it did, as the result came out in bold, just like I was hoping it would.
Next, I went to http://www.hashemian.com/tools/rss-atom-widget.htm, a site where you can create a quick and dirty javascript-based widget to display the contents of an RSS feed. I made a feed with the latest headlines on www.movabletype.org and stuck the resulting javascript code in a DIV that is 200 pixels wide, so it would fit the sidebar.
I saved my changes and went to the Edit Entry screen, and this is what greeted me:
Awesome! So you can basically use this Memo plugin to pull in anything you like from pretty much anywhere: IFRAME, images, RSS feed, javascript widget, apache server side include... all without requiring further complicated MT backend modifications. Cool one, François!
Glad you liked it ;-) and interesting use, nice idea!
I've also enjoyed François' plugin.
It could be used also as an excellent tool for editors or customers that would need to remember something on a tricky project ;)
Kind Regards,
Mihai Bocsaru
This is interesting. On a multi author blog, you could keep an updated list of FAQ's running on the side, relevant to what the author might be writing about.