Breaking News: Movable Tips Aquires Six Apart (well, a little)

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In the interest of full disclosure: I am now officially a Six Apart shareholder.  My employee stock options vested some time ago and I excercised them shortly after leaving the company.  Today I got an official letter & certificate in the mail.  I now own an undisclosed number of shares in the company.  Nice.

I decided to buy the shares because I strongly believe in the company, its products and the teams behind them.  Which is a good thing, as I work with some of these products daily and I plan to keep on doing this in the future.


Right now, being a shareholder is more of a symbolic thing: my bug reports don't get priority, I don't get a cake on my birthday and as far as I am aware there are no special shareholder perks at Six Apart.  But I see this as an investment in the future and I have high hopes for a nice payout one day.

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