Finding the ID of a Blog on Movable Type

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One of the neater functions of Movable Type is the whole 'Multiblog' system, which lets you take content from the various blogs on your system so you can combine it and use it anywhere you please on any other blog on your system.  Using it is real easy too: simply add the attribute 'blog_ids' or 'include_blogs' to certain tags with the relevant blog IDs as value, and off you go.
Just one little tip: in order to find the ID of a specific blog (or blogs) you have to go to any of the backend screens for that particular blog.  Doesn't matter if it is the settings screen or the edit entry screen.  Now look at the URL of the page you are on.  It will probably look something like this:

The important part there is the last bit: "blog_id=2".  This tells you the ID of the blog in question.  There currently is no easier way to find the ID of a blog in Movable Type as far as I am aware (not that this one is particularily difficult, just a bit unpractical).

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The connective tissue, which can be the glue that holds
it all together, will commence to break down.

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