September 2011 Archives

Whereabouts of Google+ next generation SNS war

YAPC:: Asia 2011

Everyone present [wa]. Recently lunch generation floating with the physical condition rubbish stripe chestnut, it is onagatani which you rejoice. YAPC which this year is done:: Asia this year skyarc has done the sponsor. With skyarc product…...
Because plug in which customizes the management screen of Movable Type, the function which in MTAppjQuery compiles main category with bundle was added it tried trying....
The republish key will take a comma-separated list of index template identifiers. You'll want to use Config Assistant 2.2.2 or later -- without going into details, I recently fixed a bug where things would seem to republish sporadically....
The republish key will take a comma-separated list of index template identifiers. You'll want to use Config Assistant 2.2.2 or later -- without going into details, I recently fixed a bug where things would seem to republish sporadically....

It tried installing Firefox8

We send out a newsletter that has URLs in it. Rather than having foreign URLs directly, they all come to our website and then redirect to the outside world.

Right now the redirects are all done with HTML files. My goal is to have them all done with redirects in the .htaccess file. So I want to have the person who is entering all of this data enter it all through the movable type GUI.

My questions:

  1. Is there is plug-in for movable type that already does this?
  2. If not, is there a good template for creating a movable type that allows one to records in the MySQL database?


MT Scoring Not Working

I'm running it as a daemon....

MT Scoring Not Working

I'm running it as a daemon....

Utilization method of Facebook time line

How to use WordPress “eye catch picture”

Christian and I worked through this bug; the solution exists in Config Assistant version 2.2.6:
Christian and I worked through this bug; the solution exists in Config Assistant version 2.2.6:
Having a list of related, similar entries below each entry in your blog is a good way to entice your readers to stay on your site longer.  But how do you generate such a list, making sure only the most...





Select Random Entries

Byrne, I took your advice and created an index template that adds entries to an array in PHP. I use the array_rand function to get a random list of 300 keys, then access the values from the original array at...

Select Random Entries

Byrne, I took your advice and created an index template that adds entries to an array in PHP. I use the array_rand function to get a random list of 300 keys, then access the values from the original array at...



Concerning Twitter official account @movabletype of Movable Type you inform. The Twitter official account @movabletype of Movable Type in 2009 was acquired with the American six apartment, but presently the Japanese six apartment taking over the account of Movable Type,...




Using jQuery in Movable Type



Movable Type Custom Template Tag


Just deciding which to use. MovableType or Wordpress. MT has one important strength is static publishing. Since wp has super cache, is there any reason to us MT?

Movable Ink breathes life into e-mail

While the web is interactive and dynamic, e-mail reflects very little of that evolution. But Movable Ink, a New York start-up, is trying to breathe new life into e-mail marketing by making e-mails real-time and context aware, creating messages that...



Movable Tips is on a new server!

I have moved this site (and a lot of other projects) to a brand new server at a new hosting provider.  If you see anything strange, let me know!...





We just upgraded our Movable Type 4 Installation to Movable Type 5. One plug-in we were using is called Promote This. It hasn't been upgraded to MT5. Although it seems to work, the dashboard gives us a warning:

This plugin has not been upgraded to support Movable Type 5. As such, it may not be completely functional.
uses: MT::Template::Context::add_tag, should use: Registry (path: tags, function)

I really haven't programmed Perl for years. Is this a hard thing to fix?