Mitt Romney says he is proud of Romneycare. I have no doubt that this will not stop him from not only ferociously condemning Obamacare without a hint of irony during the Republican primary, but not deter many Republicans from......
February 2011 Archives
Mitt Romney says he is proud of Romneycare. I have no doubt that this will not stop him from not only ferociously condemning Obamacare without a hint of irony during the Republican primary, but not deter many Republicans from......
Might I suggest you lobby Six Apart on our behalf then? :) Because we do not currently have plans to update it for MT5. Byrne Reese Principal, Endevver LLC, Chairman, Open Melody Software Group, (415) 702-0045...
Might I suggest you lobby Six Apart on our behalf then? :) Because we do not currently have plans to update it for MT5. Byrne Reese Principal, Endevver LLC, Chairman, Open Melody Software Group, (415) 702-0045...
onMovableType: Japan continues fulfilling my ancient feature requests as plugins. This one ~5years old:
From March 1st, the person who would like to work in Hokkaido is supported executes the “Hokkaido U turn campaign page”. The one we would like to return to Hokkaido, working, like one and the especially Perl engineer, Perl does...
Prerequisites Basic familiarity with JavaScript. Basic familiarity with Melody tags. Some knowledge of jQuery or a willingness to learn it as you go. Config.yaml Settings Under the options branch of your theme, add the following two options: paginate_comments_enable: label:...
Prerequisites Basic familiarity with JavaScript. Basic familiarity with Melody tags. Some knowledge of jQuery or a willingness to learn it as you go. Config.yaml Settings Under the options branch of your theme, add the following two options: paginate_comments_enable: label:...
"I get "500 Error - Internal Server Error" when accessing Movable Type" This error appears in your Web browser when the Movable Type installation wizard (or any Perl script) fails to execute. Check the following: Use your FTP program...
A user on ProNet recently posted this problem: We're helping a client build a new site on MT 4.34, with Professional Pack and the More Custom Fields plug-in. As we've been adding content we're getting "Internal Server Error" messages more...
Yep, all my templates are published via Publish Queue....
I couldn't get MT RSync to work and so I am using an external process called Unison to handle the synchronization. So the problem is fixed. :)...
I took a detour from my latest open secret project to port WordPress' new admin bar to Melody. As you can see from the screenshot above, it's faithful to the original one. I modified it a bit to fit......
I took a detour from my latest open secret project to port WordPress' new admin bar to Melody. As you can see from the screenshot above, it's faithful to the original one. I modified it a bit to fit......
1.0, A Long Time Coming Melody 1.0 is closing in very fast now. RC1 is almost out the door, held up by real life time constraints, not technical issues. While Melody was started in the summer of 2009, it...
1.0, A Long Time Coming Melody 1.0 is closing in very fast now. RC1 is almost out the door, held up by real life time constraints, not technical issues. While Melody was started in the summer of 2009, it...
Today. It is inside the valley of the all-night vigil opening. When the Hokkaido Perl community, it counts also from the #0, time it became 5th. I have attended almost each time, coffee hour (you drink, meeting) be sure...
onMovableType: Yes, let's all talk about /that/ again....
openmelody: RT @JmacDotOrg: But now am using shiny happy @openmelody instead of MT. (What happened to my WordPress plans? That's another story.)...
By default, the most recent versions of Movable Type come with a built-in password recovery system that can email a user a password reset link. For most cases, this is enough. If worst comes to worst, a user with System...
Present [wa]. Here in [enjiniaburogu] it has appeared frequently it is recently the abnormal play. It participated in which some days ago was done in 2/19. This time from Tokyo @yusukebe and @char…...
AmazonS3 でサイトを公開 AmazonS3 に bucket を静的なWebサイトとして公開できる機能が追加されたとのことで、過去につくったプラグイン Amazon を使って試してみました。 作業前の準備 amazon web servicesに登録し、S3 を利用できるように設定します。 公開するドメイン名を用意します。(※1) MTを信頼のできるサーバー(Amazonのアクセスキーを登録する必要があるため)にインストールします。 (※1) Amazon が用意したサブドメインを利用すればドメイン名がなくとも公開はできます。 公開手順 ドメイン名で bucket を作成する Management Consoleに入り、公開するドメイン名で bucket を作成します。(今回は を設定します) bucket の設定を変更する 作成した bucket を右クリックして Properties を開き、Website のタブで「Enabled」にチェックを入れ、「Index Document」を「index.html」に設定します。 CNAME を設定する (ドメインの管理画面での設定です)...
バージョン 0.0.2 をリリースしました。 修正点は以下の通りです。 「テンプレートの初期化ができない」「アーカイブテンプレートが保存できない」などの致命的な不具合がいくつか修正されました。 S3へアップロードするためのモジュールを依存の少ないものに変更した上で、プラグインに同梱したので、より多くサーバーで使えるようになりました。 ダウンロードページ...
I meant to write about all of this earlier but I didn't get to it due to lack of time. But here are some interesting Movable Type-related stories that broke in the past few weeks....
The way of the visor plug in was written is the abnormal play. HTTP it might be:: Wrapper plug in of MobileAgent was drawn up. When the dynamic formation of mt-search and the like is done only, motion…...
One of the interesting features of Movable Type's templating language is that you can use the value of variables as the value for attributes of another tag. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to use the...
In the last 24 hours Jun Kaneko from Six Apart Japan announced the 1st beta of movable type v5.1. This version introduces a bunch of features that as a developer I've been looking for over time. Among the features that...
openmelody: Congrats to the @sixapart and @movabletype team for launching MT5.1 Beta 1. The UI enhancements are GREAT!
openmelody: @justinsimoni Who is your hosting provider? Do you have a support contact? Let us talk to them for you!...
Introduction There are many ways to list archives and many archives that can be listed in Melody. The following samples are samples that show how to list common archive types, but Melody supports a wealth of archive types such...
Introduction There are many ways to list archives and many archives that can be listed in Melody. The following samples are samples that show how to list common archive types, but Melody supports a wealth of archive types such...
Exciting news from Japan. The beta period for Movable Type 5.1 has officially started. You can read more about it here, and download the first 'official' beta build here. It looks like there are some serious backend improvements with the...
The Movable Type 5.1 Beta 1 is now available to download and test. Today begins a 3-month period of beta releases and official quality assurance testing. We plan to release a new beta version every two weeks until the application...
The Movable Type 5.1 Beta 1 is now available to download and test. Today begins a 3-month period of beta releases and official quality assurance testing. We plan to release a new beta version every two weeks until the application...
My fellow Melody contributor Byrne Reese has a long (bordering on "tl;dr" for some people, probably) post on why WordPress stole the commanding heights from Movable Type. I'm not going to expand too much on what he wrote because...
My fellow Melody contributor Byrne Reese has a long (bordering on "tl;dr" for some people, probably) post on why WordPress stole the commanding heights from Movable Type. I'm not going to expand too much on what he wrote because...
openmelody: @jochenWolters Genius and insanity are often hard to tell apart. The switch will be a big change, but we will help you along the way....
Movable Type, on which Melody is based, got its start well before AJAX became popular. Over the years, it's gotten some of its features rewritten to take advantage of AJAX, but a lot of developers don't see to be...
Movable Type, on which Melody is based, got its start well before AJAX became popular. Over the years, it's gotten some of its features rewritten to take advantage of AJAX, but a lot of developers don't see to be...
onMovableType: @kimonostereo @meancode If you dig, people who complain X templating is "too hard" are usually saying they don't understand how it works....
onMovableType: @kimonostereo @meancode I couldn't care less. The approaches are different, and in my opinion not comparable. Pick what works for you; STFU....
onMovableType: @meancode It was in one of the last few recent comments over at Byrne's....
onMovableType: @adders on 6A's seeming inability to do any blogging of their own [Despite some *cough* repeatedly telling them so]...
onMovableType: "Sure there was the Perl/PHP thing but that could have been sorted out in a version or two." Uh huh....
onMovableType: There, it's settled: "Wordpress is just a better name than Movable Type. Fewer syllables. Easier to share/ recommend."...
onMovableType: So @plagiarismtoday actually read Byrne's post. And had, like, thoughts and stuff: [But what does he think of Arianna?]...
onMovableType: So, if retwats are anything to judge by, WordPress won over Movable Type because Arianna Huffington is a cheapskate. Or something....
onMovableType: So nice to see MT getting some attention again......
onMovableType: @bernie Not going to happen. Someone already tried in 2008, in fact:
When we are passionate about something, it is sometimes hard for us to wrap our heads around why someone else might not be passionate about the same thing. You see this in the WordPress community often - fans and...
This is version of three of this plugin. The download repository is here. It's not quite ready for normal user use yet. It works just fine in Melody, and should work fine in Movable Type 4.3. Movable Type 5......
This is version of three of this plugin. The download repository is here. It's not quite ready for normal user use yet. It works just fine in Melody, and should work fine in Movable Type 4.3. Movable Type 5......
onMovableType: RT @perlironman: Gabor Szabo (szabgab): Looking for a Movable Type hacker
DynamicMTML is the PHP extension framework for Movable Type. By using mod_rewrite to pass the HTTP request to the dynamic site Bootstrapper (.mtview.php), MTML Tags in static files will be processed by Movable Type's dynamic publishing engine. This framework also...
I really like the Entry Gallery feature of MC theme, however it seems to be limited to entries. Can it be extended to work with pages, also?...
I can close this, I figured out that I could create a page custom gallery....
SortableCategories works nicely on MT 4.35, thanks. I haven't tried it on Melody either....
SortableCategories works nicely on MT 4.35, thanks. I haven't tried it on Melody either....
Has anyone run into this issue before?
Uncaught ReferenceError: custom_fields is not defined
Then MT generates this in the document:
custom_fields.push('customfield_start_date'); ### ERROR HERE
On page load I get an alert from FCKeditor that says
Error: The TEXTAREA with id or name set to "editor-content-textarea" was not found
The textarea doesn't even exist in the page. Any suggestions?
Has anyone run into this issue before?
Uncaught ReferenceError: custom_fields is not defined
Then MT generates this in the document:
custom_fields.push('customfield_start_date'); ### ERROR HERE
On page load I get an alert from FCKeditor that says
Error: The TEXTAREA with id or name set to "editor-content-textarea" was not found
The textarea doesn't even exist in the page. Any suggestions?
Since a blog consists mostly of a series of chronologically ordered items, it would seem to be a great format to build an events calendar or upcoming events list with. And indeed, Movable Type llows you to set the publication...