August 2010 Archives


AnythingSlider is feature-rich jQuery carousel plugin. Now you can modify all the script options in a Movable Type interface, and easily select Entries and images to make up the slides for your carousel. This plugin was designed with multiple blogs...

Facebook Like

This plugin adds MT tags to display Facebook Like button. The Like button lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the user's friends'...

I am trying to replace only " with " within EntryBody

I tried <mt:entrybody replace=""","&quot;"> but this seems to not work. Version is MT5.02 and I don't want to use <mt:entrybody encode_html="1">

What I am trying to do is import all entires using CSV(comma separated) format(clients request) and " (quotation mark) inside EntryBody gives me syntax errors. I can't use encode_html because this encodes links(<a href=""></a>) to entities and I don't want that.

Any advice?


I am trying to replace only " with &quot; within EntryBody

I tried <mt:entrybody replace=""","&quot;"> but this seems to not work. Version is MT5.02 and I don't want to use <mt:entrybody encode_html="1">

What I am trying to do is import all entires using CSV(comma separated) format(clients request) and " (quotation mark) inside EntryBody gives me syntax errors. I can't use encode_html because this encodes links(<a href=""></a>) to entities and I don't want that.

Any advice?

Twitter Tools

Auto-Tweet New Entries to Twitter The Twitter Tools plugin for Movable Type enables you to easily and automatically share your MT entries on Twitter. The plugin pushes tweets directly to Twitter immediately when entries are published, avoiding the delays of...

Facebook Tools

Automatically Post New Entries to Facebook The Facebook Tools plugin for Movable Type enables you to easily and automatically share your MT entries on Facebook. The plugin pushes updates directly to Facebook immediately when entries are published, avoiding the delays...
I wouldn't think so because regardless of the front end the load balancer sent you to the MySQL database and connection strings are identical. We can be assured they are identical as everything sits on NFS shares. Jesus Orosco IT...

I am working in a template in Moveable Type and would like to do the following:

<a href="<$mt:EntryPermalink encode_url="1" $>">Twitter</a>

It all works but I'm worried that the current link or at some point even if I use a title mt tag that it might not be right for the browser address bar. I thought you could use encode_url="1" but it doesn't appear to encode my titles or links. For example: I have a title with spaces in it and the resulting code still has the spaces in it. Also for the example above shouldn't the http:// be encoded in a special way? Because it doesn't do it.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Hi all.

I am working in a template in Moveable Type and would like to do the following:

<a href="<$mt:EntryPermalink encode_url="1" $>">Twitter</a>

It all works but I'm worried that the current link or at some point even if I use a title mt tag that it might not be right for the browser address bar. I thought you could use encode_url="1" but it doesn't appear to encode my titles or links. For example: I have a title with spaces in it and the resulting code still has the spaces in it. Also for the example above shouldn't the http:// be encoded in a special way? Because it doesn't do it.

Am I doing something wrong here?

The following module enables you to provide your website users with paid access to the content published on your website. It can be pictures, articles, links, even video clips. In a fact it could be anything you can place on...

AdSpeed Ad Server

This module enables you to display ads in your MovableType-powered websites and blogs while manage, serve, track ad impressions and clicks with your existing account....
The most up-to-date documentation for Config Assistant can always be found in the plugin, or in source control. Using Config Assistant for Theme Options This plugin adds support for a new element in any plugin's config.yaml file called options,...

Foursquare Action Stream

Action stream plugin for Foursquare...


Add 'Tweet Button' to your blog to let people share content on Twitter...
これは何か Capistrano や Ruby on Rails 関連のコマンドに対して補完を行なうための zsh のスクリプトです。 すでに公開されているものとして「Capistrano用ZSH補完関数」「zsh用script/generate補完関数」がありますが、以下のスクリプトでは「別ファイルに分けるタイプ」「オプションも補完できる」という特徴があります。 スクリプト (_cap) 「cap」コマンドに対して補完を行います。 #compdef cap typeset -A opt_args local context state line local opts tasks opts=() _call_program opts cap --help 2>/dev/null | sed -e '1d;s/^ \+/{/;s/, /,/;s/ .* /}"[/;s/\(".*\)$/\1]"/;/{[^}]*$/s/{//;/{[^,]*}/s/{\|}//g;' |...
2010年7月31日に開催されたMTDDC Tokyoに参加してきました。 今年の2月に開催された MTDDC は MT 全般に関する内容でしたが、今回は MT5 の目玉の機能の一つである、「テーマ」に的を絞った内容でした。 以下、各セッションを振り返ってみます。 Movable Type 5 成長するプラットフォーム 資料 MT の事業担当の金子順さんによる、MT5.1 の開発状況やMTコミュニティのこれからについてのお話でした。 前半は主に MT5.1 の新機能の紹介でした。MT5.1 では主に以下の点が機能強化されるようです。 Listing Framework System, Website, Blog の連携強化 カテゴリ、フォルダの並び替え IE8, Webkit 対応 Listing Framework ブログ記事やウェブページなどの一覧画面で、任意の項目で絞り込みや並び替えを行なえるようになる枠組みが追加されるとのことです。 System, Website, Blog の連携強化...

So, I have been asked to remove a menu item on a website running Movable Type. "No problem", I thought.

So I log in, and try to figure out WHERE those damn templates can be edited. I finally find something that looks real, edit it, update the page and NOTHING HAPPENED.

I then log in to the FTP and discovers, that ALL pages are stored as play html pages exactly the places where the path tells (whatever.html is stored in /about/ etc)

Is there some kind of hard-cache going on, that I can disable, or flush somehow?

Hi all

So, I have been asked to remove a menu item on a website running Movable Type. "No problem", I thought.

So I log in, and try to figure out WHERE those damn templates can be edited. I finally find something that looks real, edit it, update the page and NOTHING HAPPENED.

I then log in to the FTP and discovers, that ALL pages are stored as play html pages exactly the places where the path tells (whatever.html is stored in /about/ etc)

Is there some kind of hard-cache going on, that I can disable, or flush somehow?

I often have the need for some code that will intelligently display a thumbnail if one is available for a post. Below is a simple recipe that will allow you to easily display an image cropper thumbnail if one has...

The platform which grows

In it participated “8th Creatorz × 2nd Hiroshima MT academic society”. With this subject which is notified with entry ahead “Movable Type ON Saturday of the strategy and measure of the Web construction business where the small-scale organization of Business”...
Users of Movable Type, especially those whose systems have grown complex in one way or another, may often run into the problem whereby Movable Type begins to consume an inordinate amount of memory or CPU. These users will often jump...
I'm pretty sure this issue is ancient and already fixed, so I'm closing this ticket/ Please reopen if needed...