April 2010 Archives

I encountered a weird bug today while implementing profile image for Facebook users in MovableType. Username was not being pushlished properly or it was just getting eaten up by the Facebook profile image. Quick and dirty solution to this problem: duplicate the div that contains commenter name! "> " class="auth-icon">" alt=""/> " size="square" linked="true"> Checkout the Facebook Connect Commenters Plugin Readme file on Github for more information.
Facebook’s announcement on the Open Graph at the F8 conference caused quite a stir yesterday. Mark Zuckerberg described this as a technology that pulls together all the different social networks to create a web "that is smarter, more social,...

Six Apart Likes Facebook's Open Graph

Facebook’s announcement on the Open Graph at the F8 conference caused quite a stir yesterday. Mark Zuckerber described this as a technology that pulls together all the different social networks to create a web "that is smarter, more social, more...
Alfasado, a Japanese web-developing company, announced that they had developed “Power CMS for MT ver.2” and released it to the market. “Power CMS” is the enterprise software and it has a high function as same as other enterprise CMS software,...

Hybrid News

Hi Annie, I see your a developer who's worked with the Hybrid Theme, would you be interested in a very small project?...
Something exciting to play with!

Why choose Movable Type?

I'm sure you are the Movable Type user because this is the blog of Movable Type's information. So, why are we using Movable Type? Piroli answered to this question in the entry of his company's blog named "MT engineer blog"....

“Movable Type EZ”, a SaaS of MT

Six Apart Japanese branch annnounced that the new service named “Movable Type EZ” has been launched by GMO-HS, a Japanese hosting-service company. “Movable Type EZ” is a SaaS service based on MT5. With this service, we can use installed MT5...

I really like how Lifehacker.com (and Gawker.com) implements their comment system.

I believe, but am not certain, they use Movable Type as the platform for their blog.

What I like about their comment system is that it's a simple open text field and once you click "Share" it then asks you to register.

Question: Anyone know how to accomplish this same functionality with either Wordpress or Movable Type?

Hajime Fujimoto, well-known MT master in Japan, had wrote about the way of using module template for a "archive mapping". With his method, you can define complex conditional archive mapping in the archive template. I will introduce his entry with...
I happened to find the topic named "Is Movable Type5 dead?", when I was  rambling in the MovableType.forum. Of course Movable Type5 is not dead, still alive. It is developed by SixApart's members day by day, and the evlolution is...
Currently all of Endevver's plugins are developed and tested against Movable Type 4.x. We do not currently have plans to support Movable Type 5 until demand for that increases, or until (to be perfectly candid) a client steps forward will...