March 2010 Archives

Endevver has been advising clients for years on hosting Movable Type. Recently however, we have been increasingly recommending clients move their infrastructure to services like Amazon, not because we place some value upon "The Cloud"1 but because Amazon's service offerings...

Using jQuery with Movable Type

Introduction jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development Today we are going to look at a proof of concept that uses jQuery and the...

Gallery Doesn't Publish

I hear ya... Thanks Doug....

Is there latex math support with movable type 5?

Paris Web 2010 - Call for speakers - Blog

(Disclaimer: I manage the communication for Paris Web, this is a copy of the official call for speakers.) Hello all, Paris Web is a French conference organised each year and revolving around questions of web accessibility, quality and design. For...

Commonly movable type will publish HTML files which contains absolute path, but if I want to host the site under different domain(e.g., both HTTP and HTTPS), it is very inconvenient.

So is there a way to change all the paths to resource of my site to absolute ones?


I've finally released the long awaited update to my popular social media icon set adding 12 new icons and a few design tweaks for good measure....
Matt Jacobs, Product Manager and Designer extraordinaire, will speak at a School for the Visual Arts (SVA) program titled “The Tablet” on Wednesday, March 10 at 6:30 pm . Matt will join the Design Director for the New York Times, ...

Our email vendor supports rss feeds for dynamic content, which we use successfully for "daily headline" type emails. This is a great help in automating many different emails that we don't have staffing to create daily. One of our staff as requested that his daily email (which has recent headlines from his Movable Type blog) only have headlines from entries posted on that day.

My Question
Since we use Movable Type for his blog, is there a way to generate a rss feed that only contains items posted on the current day?

HashTag now on GitHub

I have moved the source code for HashTag from my private SVN over to GitHub. If you want to contribute any changes you can find it here I have also set up an account on Lighthouse to track bugs...
First of all, I have to admit that I am a big fan of jQuery and I hate Flash. However, if you're obligated to use Flash for a project, you need a way to talk with Flash which is usually an XML file. Below, you can find the template code for creating category archive listing templates that generates an XML file along which has all the subcategories, entries and assets. The publish path can be set to "%c-/entries.xml"