Sean Michael Kerner / Internetnews Blog:Movable Type gets forked into Melody — From the ‘fork is a four letter word’ files:Movable Type has been forked — at least the open source GPL version — into a new project called...
June 2009 Archives
If you've been awake and online at any point in the last 48 hours or so, you have no doubt heard about Melody, the fork of the Open Source version of Movable Type, driven by a number of prominent members...
I am very excited to announce that Byrne Reese and I are joining forces and that he is now a full partner in Endevver Consulting. In this article, I talk about what Byrne brings to the table and also introduce our very first collaborative project: Melody.
Update: Advanced version using cookies to condition “edit” links Add an edit links to your Movable Type entries and pages....
Finding new inspiration and excitement from the same place we've always looked.
Fill your plate with a little more variety!
Hats off the WordPress community and Matt Mullenweg's insistence to promote open source design. Thanks to his philosophy and the courage of designers from the WordPress community, I am able to bring the Hybrid News Theme to Movable Type....