May 2009 Archives

Let everybody know what the most popular dish is at your cafe!
ol li { list-style-type: decimal; } ol li li { list-style-type: upper-alpha; } ol li li li { list-style-type: upper-roman; } ol li li li li { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } This guide will take you through the steps to...
This code should display entries with publish date of today or in the future… didn’t test it though, just posting it here for future reference. <$mt:Date format="%Y%m%d" setvar="today"$> <mt:Entries> <$mt:EntryDate format="%Y%m%d" setvar="entry_date"$> <mt:If name="today" lte="$entry_date" > <p><a href="<$mt:EntryLink$>"><$mt:EntryTitle$></a><br/><$mt:EntryDate$></p> </mt:If> </mt:Entries>...

MT-Notifier 4.2.3

Reorganized Perl "require" statements to ensure calling order. Updated language file with correct string for template. Licensed users of MT-Notifier v4 can re-download from your unique download link to obtain the updated version. As mentioned previously, you may need...
Since I've heard - more than once - that users would like to send HTML notifications with MT-Notifier, and because I'm still working out the details on how to make it work more simply within the plugin itself, I decided...

MT-Notifier 4.2.2

Added blog id to loading of record data to ensure consistency. Added check for duplicate emails being sent to the same address. Added more template information for plugin data. Enhanced request.tmpl with footer include to ease customization. Standardized on...
It’s a pretty good chance that most browsers today have JavaScript enabled. However in the odd case that someone views a site that relies heavily on JavaScript it’s good to at least provide a page that doesn’t look broken. Using...
If you are attempting to download MT-Notifier and you receive an error message that will not allow you to download the plugin (perhaps transaction not authenticated), the likely cause is an update to the software that handles the payment processing...
One feature I’d like to add is the ability to order categories via some drag-n-drop method in Movable Type and then have the ability to specify the sort order manually via a sort_by template tag modifier like this: <mt:Categories sort_by="manual">...
You know you want it.