January 2008 Archives

In Movable Type 4.0 users had the option of offloading the task of publishing to a separate program or application called Publish Queue. This had the advantage of dramatically increasing Movable Type's performance and reliability. Most users run Pubish Queue...

Fighting Hotlinkers with htaccess

If you have a blog with reasonably well conceived content, and have had this blog for any length of time, you will undoubtedly encounter content scrapers, people bottom-feeding scumbags who republish rip-off your content either from your feed or from...

List Random Authors

As communities grow, so does the need to showcase your authors. Having a hefty community of authors is a great thing (content producers FTW!) but everyone wants their fifteen minutes. This handy little tip can help make sure everyone gets...

Share This Post in Movable Type 4

This isn't really a tutorial since I'm just advising you to install a plugin and giving you some reference html to make it look a tiny bit nicer than it does by default. However I still think this might be...
I still haven't finished putting the site back together after upgrading Movable Type, but I really like the new version. The admin interface is a lot cleaner and easier to use, and everything feels...sturdier, I guess. I'm not sure if...
Movable Type just issued a security update that should be applied to any movable type version since Movable Type v3.2 Basically, in affected versions of Movable Type, there are certain circumstances in which a blog template may be rendered dynamically...

Happy New Year 2008!

I would like to thank you all for the great success that PRO IT Service, the company that I'm personally ruling registered this year Nevertheless we had a very busy time, the results we've achieved were extraordinary The New Year...