As a passionate Movable Type Consultant (some folks like my design skills and call me Movable Type Designer) I'm impatient unless I code a good number of Movable Type projects every week. They are all very nice projects and I...
November 2007 Archives
It’s quite some time since I didn’t publish anything here and I feel like sharing with you what I’ve been doing during the last month Apart from building up new movable type projects, optimizing some other movable type heavy web...
I post a lot of thumbnail images on Consuming Louisville that link to very large full size images. By default Movable Type doesn't add scrollbars or allow resizing for the popup windows created for images. That's a problem because those...
While it seems that the Yahoo! Small Business web hosting packages continue to offer Movable Type as an option, and there has been some talk about Yahoo! not supporting MT4, while Six Apart doesn't really seem to support MT4 at...
Two of my favourite Movable Type plugins from versions prior to MT4 are Favicon and Gravatar. Both these plugins work fine in MT4 and it’s only a matter of knowing where to put them in the template modules. Favicon is...
This tutorial is cross posted at On a path media Actually this applies to any version of Movable Type since 3.2 and to all kinds of external apps for posting to your Movable Type blog. I just suspect that the...
Though the vast majority of installations I work with use LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl) to run Movable Type, there are also a few where my client would like to place Windows in that equation. While it's a possibility to...